At Home With Our Founder, Mon

At Home With Our Founder, Mon

por Sabi The Label

Hello, I’m Mon, the founder of Sabi The Label, and I’m thrilled to invite you into a little corner of my world. In this post, I’ll share some personal insights about my life, my passion for cooking, and how my home influences my creativity and well-being. Let’s dive in!

Q: Mon, what’s your favorite way to unwind and find inspiration?

A: For me, inspiration often strikes in the most unexpected places. I’m an extremely introverted person, and I find my creative sparks during quiet moments—whether I’m out on a solitary walk or soaking in a bath. These moments of solitude are where I let my mind wander and dream up new ideas for Sabi The Label. There’s something incredibly calming about the rhythm of a walk or the tranquility of a bath that helps clear my mind and allow new concepts to surface.

Q: It sounds like your home is a significant part of your creative process. Can you tell us more about that?

A: Absolutely. My apartment is not just a place to live; it’s a sanctuary where I nurture my ideas and well-being. I’ve dedicated the largest room to be my Sabi office because it feels right to honour the empire we’ve built. I want to be surrounded by the space that represents our hard work and creativity. Being house proud is a big part of who I am. I believe that the space you’re in can profoundly impact your creativity and overall well-being. It’s about creating an environment that fosters inspiration and calm.

Q: We’ve heard you’re passionate about cooking. How does that fit into your life and work?

A: Cooking is one of my greatest joys. It’s a meditative process for me, a way to disconnect from the hustle and reconnect with something simple and rewarding. Whether it’s preparing a complex dish or just experimenting with new ingredients, cooking allows me to express creativity in a different way. It’s also a way to nurture myself and those I care about. Sharing a meal that I’ve made with love feels deeply satisfying.

Q: You’ve mentioned that people often stop you in the streets or at events to express their admiration for Sabi The Label. How does that make you feel?

A: It’s honestly one of the most humbling and rewarding experiences. I can’t quite describe the joy and gratitude I feel when someone approaches me to share how much they admire my brand. It’s the highest honour and a testament to the incredible community Sabi has here in Naarm, Melbourne. Every word of support, every compliment—it all reinforces why I do what I do. I’m incredibly grateful for the love and support from everyone. It’s the fuel that keeps me going and striving to create even more.

Q: Any final thoughts you’d like to share with our readers?

A: Just a heartfelt thank you. The connection we have with our community means everything to me. Your support allows us to continue doing what we love and make a difference in the fashion world. Remember, every piece you choose from Sabi The Label is not just a garment but a part of a shared journey. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brings me to create it.

Thank you for taking the time to get to know a little more about me and my world. I’m excited to continue this journey with you and see where it takes us.

With all my best,

Mon xx


*mon wear's our latest collection AW24. SHOP NOW