18 months of Sabi
by Sabi The Label
I’ve just clocked 18 months of Sabi. 1.5 years ago I launched Sabi The Label into the world with no idea what would happen or where it would take me. With guidance from my intuition, encouragement from loved ones and the ongoing support of our customers, Sabi has been able to reach some pretty incredible heights.

I always knew I was capable of working hard but if I’m being brutally honest, I really didn’t expect to be here, right now, with this brand and it’s community….

Regardless of any milestone Sabi has reached, the only thing that remains a constant is how much I’m learning about myself and the people I connect, employ and collaborate with. The most unexpected part about starting a business from the ground up with no previous education or experience in the field of fashion design, construction and production, is the deep spiritual journey I’ve had to embark on.

Learning to face yourself every day, to show up, be accountable, incorporate (actual) rest, problem solve, celebrate, release control, build patience, learn skills, wear all the hats, do all the shitty tasks, enjoy all major wins, believe, trust etc etc. It’s a lot. It’s not easy and it’s not hard either. When you’re doing something that gives you so much energy because it comes from this pure life force within you, the hurdles are just plot twists, and the burn-out becomes a serious learning curve. I always say business is 50% creativity and 50% problem-solving. I like to think I get pretty creative with my problem-solving ;).

I know a lot of people wonder how I started Sabi, like, the financial side of things (because you know, no one talks about that stuff). I built Sabi with no financial aid or help, just my entire savings account and a deep fire in my belly to go full steam ahead in backing myself like I’ve never before. A spiritual healer once asked me “You have lots of great ideas, what are you waiting for?” Of which I replied: “Money. I just need a bit more money and then I can start”. She said, “Darling, if you keep waiting for more money, you’ll be waiting forever”. And that’s when I realised I was using my ‘lack of money’ as a way to procrastinate, to create a bridge between me and my potential. I didn’t believe, or trust that I was going to be okay and successful in my ideas so I packaged it as not having enough money to start. I let it be the excuse. I let the fear of risk, stop me from experiencing the reward of learning.

Sometimes, you gotta take huge risks to show yourself that you’re so much more capable than what your insecurities or limiting beliefs tell you. And sometimes, you gotta just fucking start. Start with all the tasks on the list that don’t cost you anything but your time. Start somewhere, anywhere, but for god sake, just start.

Whilst we’re here though, I do want to mention the amazing moments I’ve experienced since starting this brand 18 months ago. I have worked with some incredible artist to carry out collaborative collections, showcasing products and mediums I am totally unfamiliar with and yet align so well with Sabi and our mission. I’ve travelled to other countries to shoot, explore, create and produce. We were featured on an Australian Fashion Week runway amongst the likes of prolific Australian brands and opened our studio, nestled in the beautiful serene bush on the surf coast of Victoria. Designed and released 15 collections, sold out in 18 minutes, rebranded our entire business, featured on the cover of High Snobiety Mag on Benee Music (!!!!) and stocked internationally.

I could rattle off a few more moments I’m ultra proud of but it’s not the point. The point is that I am so grateful. Grateful for myself, to have the courage to do something that scared the shit out of me. Brave enough to take the risk, to spend all of my savings on an idea, brave enough to let running a business serve me up a slice of humble pie every few months, brave enough to always continue to learn.

I couldn’t be any more grateful for the Sabi community. The likes, comments, DM’s, follows, purchases, reposts, giveaway entries, the hey-hello’s in the street. It’s like, the wildest, most rewarding journey to have the pleasure of sharing it with you all.

Lastly, a HUGE thank you to all my teams in Aus & Indo, to every model, content creator, photographer, stylist, HMUA, stockist, friend, family etc. Here’s to 18 months with you all, and to another 18 months of growth and community.